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International Midwife Assistance (IMA) is a nonprofit organization improving the standard of maternal and infant care in developing nations. IMA places midwives and other healthcare professionals in hospitals, clinics and homes to provide care. They also train midwives and other healthcare workers and deliver medical supplies, medications, and teaching aids to the supported clinics.

Medical Access is a nonprofit organization based in Kampala, Uganda specialized in the provision of supply chain management services for pharmaceutical products and health commodities in Africa. Medical Access provides a variety of consumables for Teso Safe Motherhood, helping keep costs down.  

PSI-Uganda is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Ugandans by availing affordable and quality life saving commodities and information. PSI's partnership provides strong support for Teso Safe Motherhood's family planning department. 

The Soroti District Government is an active partner to the Teso Safe Motherhood Project, keeping the clinic networked with the government for compliance and effectiveness. 

The Uganda Ministry of Health and the Soroti District Health Office are steadfast partners. TSMP is grateful and happy to have such support from the government health offices. Together we are able to do more!

TASO stands for The AIDS Support Organization. It is an indigenous HIV/AIDS service organization in Uganda founded in 1987. TASO is Teso Safe Motherhood's newest partner. We look forward to our developing relationship. 

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Reach a hand is a youth centered organisation focusing on youth empowerment programmes with emphasis on livelihoods &skills development ,Behavioural change communication,sex,Reproductive Health & Rights, HIV/Aids aweraness and prevention. Teso Safe Motherhood is in Partnership with Reach a hand in a compaign that seeks to promote the full involvemnet of men in family planning and this compaign is called  Menplus. The main objectives of this compaign are;

  • Promoting and enabling the use of voluntary vasectomy as part of the overall contraception method mix targeted towards men.

  • Promoting the view of men and women as equal productive and Reproductive beings.

  • Promoting and enabling the use of dual methods of protection for especially Young women and Men in rural and urban areas of Uganda to secure their contraceptive choices.

  • Using socially targeted campaigns to demystify myths towards different FP methods for men and women.

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