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Antenatal services

TSM provides antenatal care at the fixed clinic and during the mobile clinics in community outreaches. In the period 2014 - 2017, the organization registered 22,237 antenatal visits. A number of approved maternal health services are rendered during ante-natal services including administering TT doses. In this period the total 2-5 doses administered was 3,427. Antenatal forms a core of the organizations work in promoting safe motherhood. Because of how critical ANC is to our mission, we plan in the near future to transform this project to a fully-fledged Women’s and Children’s Hospital in order to concretize our efforts in the delivery of quality safe motherhood services.





Safe delivery

The TSM clinic provides a safe, convenient and friendly environment for mothers to give birth. The safe environment boosts the confidence of the expectant mothers to trust trained health personnel to deliver their babies at the facility. In the period 2014 -2017 alone; TSM recorded a total of 5,915 deliveries, 169 of these were HIV+ mothers who were provided with the most professional and appropriate handling, and their babies were given ARVs (Nevirapine syrup) at birth and enrolled at the mother baby care point of Teso Safe Motherhood and they completed the EID cascade. However, these high quality free services have attracted a huge number of clients who are systematically over stretching TSM capacities in terms of room, financial and human resources -- making it progressively difficult for the facility to cope with the huge influx. In response to the aforementioned challenge, TSM has acquired 4.1 acres of land for the construction of a fully-fledged Women’s and Children Hospital estimated to approximately cost UGX 2.5 billion (Approximately $1.5 million USD) in both building and establishment costs.

Post-natal services

Post-natal services is a critical phase in the lives of mothers and newborn babies. Most maternal and infant deaths occur during this time. Yet, this is the most neglected period for the provision of quality care. Teso safe mother hood has focus on postnatal care of mothers and newborns in Teso Soroti we address timing, number and place of postnatal contacts and content of postnatal care for all mothers and babies during the six weeks after birth and beyond. In April 2013, Safe Motherhood 

facility got Accreditation by Ugandan Ministry of Health to carry out HIV/AIDS services (ART). In the same year the facility intensified post- natal test. This has now grown popular with a majority of clients voluntarily returning for retests. This is what explains the rising numbers in both post -natal care, HIV testing and counselling as reflected in their respective tables herein.





Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS

This is a critical aspect of TSM interventions considering the character and antecedents of the target population. A range of interventions are undertaken by the clinic in line with approved best practices for EMTCT. In the period 2014 – 2017 a total of 13,685 pregnant women tested for HIV and the 390HIV+ and 214 of those were enrolled on care at TSMP and 176 were referred to the facilities of their choice.  Therefore, are also contributing to the goal for EMTCT initiatives is to reduce and ensure services to maintain MTCT of HIV and syphilis at a very low level, such that it is no longer a public health problem to date we have a total of 294 clients on care.




Cancer screening 

TSM has been providing cervical cancer screening to all women who are either sexually active or have been sexually active. From 2014 to-date TSM has been able to screen 14,720 and out of this number, 14,367 have turned out negative, 266 were positive and 87 were reported as suspicious cases. In line with our desire to enhance our capacity to provide treatment to women who turn out to be VIA positive, TSM recently received a cryotherapy machine from Program for Accessible Health

Communication and Education (PACE) Uganda. This machine is used for treating women who have been examined with Acetic acid and are confirmed to be VIA positive. To be able to adequately respond to fore-stated challenges, TSM is seeking funds for transporting biopsies, analysis of specimen and movement and upkeep of poor patients who require radiotherapy.




Family planning 

TSM strategically invests its resources in provision of family planning services to deal with the issue of high statistics of unmet need in rural areas. These services are provided by the organization from both the fixed and mobile clinic. In the period 2014-2017 a total of 27,372 clients were reached. TSMP is thereby dealing with attitudes and practices of the target population to promote family planning and birth control as well as mechanisms for making pregnancy safer and healthier.

OPD services and Immunization

From the fixed clinic; TSM provides a full range of outpatient services. This has increased the level of contact and TSM uses this to raise the profile of its work in the focus area of safe motherhood as our patients get information on maternal health best practices. TSM also provides immunization services as approved by ministry of health. In the period 2014 - 2017; BCG was administered to 5,915 children at birth DPT Hepb+Hib 1 to 6,283 children at 6 weeks DPT2 to 6,089 children at 10 weeks DPT3 to 6,080 children at 14 weeks and measles to 4,518children at 9months. The Soroti District as a TSMP partner provides assistance for this work and there is need to sustain and scale up on this component.

Laboratory Services

TSM operates a highly specialized and professionally equipped laboratory in the fixed clinic. Through this facility; the organization was able to carry out 45,409 Malaria blood smears with 20,436 confirmed positive. Our laboratory services form an integral part of our outreach activities in respect of malarial, HIV testing and other sexually transmitted ailments. In the past one year alone and among the so many women tested for STI, 2966 women were tested positively to other sexually transmitted ailments and a total of 11,014 tested positive to tests related to Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s). Our laboratories are equipped to be able to carry out a host of tests as may be required from time to time for purposes of facilitating diagnosis.

Girls Support Centre 

TSM sponsors Girls Support Centre which is a charity organization registered in Soroti as a community developmental organization. The mission is to enhance the lives of teenage mothers/girls through enrichment programs, workshops, and events that serve and inspire every girl's advancement thus resulting to confidence, courage, educational, and personal development. The vision is an empowered teenage mother/girl and an equitable society. The organization's main objective is to empower the teenage mother/girls through life sustaining skilling such as tailoring, shoe making, poultry, bakery, carpet making, knitting, and agriculture. 


No-Scalpel Vasectomy.

Is a surgical procedure for male sterilisation or permanet condition . During the procedure, the male vas deferens are cut and sealed so as to prevent sperm from entering into urethra and thereby prevent fertilization of female through sexual intercourse. This service is a full time activity at TSMP.


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